Animals, Fish & Birds
Yellow Bandit - Common Yellow throat
Flashing - Common Loon
Resting (Snapping Turtle)
Skipping on the Great Sea
Caught - Flying Squirrel
Curious Otter
Lazy Bear
Running Prairie Dog
Mama's Love - Fox & Kit
Unimpressed - California Sea lion Painting
Taking it in (Red Headed Woodpecker)
Peaking Through
Fox Squirrel Study
A Bright Spot - Yellow-headed Blackbird
Chewing - Red Squirrel
Kee-dee, Kee-dee - Killdeer
Oblivious - River Otter
The Hunter - Red Fox
Stop Over - Sandhill Crane Painting
The Wanderer - Roseate Spoonbill Painting
Just After Sunset - Flying Sandhill Cranes
At the Edge - Razorbill
Spring Green (eastern cottontail)